The Peregrine Global Foundation can accept donations from individuals and organizations for projects related to the foundation’s mission.
The Peregrine Global Foundation is a US-registered (EIN: 83-2518823) nonprofit organization, tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Peregrine Global Foundation strives to be transparent and make efficient use of all our funds. Since inception, the Foundation has made yearly advances and our 2022 Budget is structured to provide multiple grant awards, where over 80 cents of every dollar will go to grant recipients, with the remainder of the funds being used to cover our administrative costs. Financial and other information about the PGF’s purpose, programs and activities can be obtained by contacting Mr. David Sutter, Executive Director, at P.O. Box 741 Gillette, WY 82717, 307 685 1555
We know that there are many charitable opportunities and causes. However, the Peregrine Global Foundation represents a unique and growing opportunity where you can truly make a difference in helping people who are trying to improve their lives and the lives of their families, friends, and the people they serve. We strategically leverage the resources and connections of our partners to multiply the impact of your donation. When you give to Peregrine Global Foundation, you increase access to education, support individuals’ personal and professional growth, and make a positive difference.
We are grateful to the individuals, foundations, and corporations that have provided funding and support to the Peregrine Global Foundation.
Thank you for your gift! Your generous support of the Peregrine Global Foundation will help us fund and promote values-based leadership and improve the quality of higher education around the world.
Showing your support by check is an easy process.
Step 1: Download, print, and complete the attached donation form.
Step 2: Enclose the form and your check in a standard envelope and mail it to:
The Peregrine Global Foundation
Attention: Individual Giving
P.O. Box 741
Gillette, WY 82717